
Keep Calm and Read about My Life in Toronto

  • New galsses, sushi, pastries, H&M.

    North York Centre Station nearby places and shopping. Almost Chrismas, early shopping for happy holidays. That’s me inside north york centre square. Giant chrismas tree looked so pretty and I liked the seat. I felt holiday spirit already. Health one medical I went to walk-in to get my health checked. What’s in the video is…

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  • Discover science of love-TedxTalk (5)

    Biological basis on falling in love in men and women and how it works in the brain. I found this really intersting science tedxtalk, where she talks about how brain functions when we fall lin love. There are lots of neutrotransmitters and hormomes chemical in your brain that increases and decreases in the process of…

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  • Rice Crispe Snack

    Made something similar to rice crispe square at home. Great lunch snack. Ingredients Recipe Video Watch video for detail and how I did it! Do not burn the mashmellow is the challenge not that the taste matters even if it burns so. Summary Trust me, I ate them all for my luch snack. It tasted…

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