Ravioli Pamodoro

Record of making ravioli pamodoro at home. Easy recipe with store-bought ravioli.

I felt like I am getting fat due to all those instant ramen I ate as my lunch. So, I went to no frills to get real food and looked at some spinach and cheese ravioli. I wodered how they are supposed to be cooked and I typed ravioli into tasty app and chose the easiest one to replicate.


  • ravoli (premade)
  • basil leaves
  • onion
  • garlic
  • olive oil
  • whole tomatos
  • salt
  • sugar


  1. Chop onion and galic in cutting board
  2. Puree or blend the canned whole tomato
  3. In a pan, put some olive oil around and add pureed tomato
  4. Add garlic and onion into the pan
  5. Add basil leaves
  6. Add salt and sugar to your taste
  7. Cook the ravioli in boiling water
  8. Drain ravioli and put them in the sauce pan.
  9. Mix well and serve with dried parsely.
  10. Done!
making of ravioli pomodoro

In additon to this I made some lemon and peach aide just like I made grapefruit and peach aide. I plan to bring it with me so I can pour water and make my own drink at work.


It was very nice to preapre my own lunch for work tommorow. You should try making it and bring leftover to your work to make your lunch time extra healthy. I really loved the sour taste of the whole tomato, it tasted nicer than the store-bought pasta sauce. For more recipes for ravioli, see tasty app: https://tasty.co/

Thank you.

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