Vintage shopping at Kensington Market; café, clothes, and flowers.

Date: July 22, 2022

It was Friday just after lunch and I decided to go another place for vintage shopping, in the heat to get some antique clothing. I found a lot different things than I expected. I ended up buying a hair accessory, cherry-embroidered top and flowers. I also went to a café and got black sesame latte and strawberry cream croissant. I thought it was a great weekend eye-shopping idea. If you like antique style, I suggest going here.

Getting there

I started off with some simple brunch at a café inside the Finch Station. Strawberry tart was de-licious. I thought I could survive the trip after taking this meal. Then, I got on the subway and headed to Spadina Station.

@Brioche Doree at Finch Station

So, there is a whole street on Kensington Ave near Spadina station, China town, Toronto to shop vintage. I went to Queen St West and it was much messier and more street-like. Rough Styles of shops, summer market atmosphere, casual eatery here and there. I suggest you going in the morning time, because it gets quite busy in the afternoon and going there with a friend just to make sure you stay out of danger.

Courage My Love

The first place I went was the largest shop of the street, named Courage My Love. There were bunch of cowboy boots displayed on the outside. When I opened the door, the cups arranged vertically that caught my eyes. They were taped to prevent falling As you can see, the shops were very old but there was definitely unique accent to the shop that is worth visiting. The wedding dress or party dress I tried was too small but for $40, I think it is totally worth it to own one only if it fitted my size. There were unique accessories such as buttons and jewelry beads, either already made or read to be made bracelets, aside from dresses. Winter clothing as well as summer clothing were there. I like how it has hounds blazer, which is hard to find nowadays. There were a lot of associates to help but small change room was a shame. It was very hot inside too. If you do not like smell too much, than I suggest going to Queen St. W than here.

There was a cat sitting on the counter. haha. You can tell how easy going this street is. There were lot of stores without even a front sign on them. From the this place at the bottom of this writing, I got daisy hairband and a cherry-top. Very cute place. It is in the middle section of Kensington Avenue. Note that some places have good prices some don’t. I noticed I bought things an expensive way after coming home. You should be mindful of that if you do not want to over shop. But, the shop was run by owners so there was no confusion.


I got really really hungry and wen to a coffee shop just around the corner. It was very beautifully designed. There black sesame latte and crossoint with strawberry cream was awesome. IT had a beautiful photo zone too. Great for casual dating and possible Instagram spot. It had nice air conditioning too. Go here for coffee if you visit Kensington.

Flower Shop

Speaking of dating, I got some flowers from a flower shop next to the café. Its major flower was sunflower, very special. It had reasonable price range. I got the bunch of daisy for $19. I suggest going here and get a bouquet to take pictures and impress somebody you love. Dry flowers such as lavender were beautiful too.

It was very nice trip by the way, except streetcars don’t come often. I did not overspend so that’s very good too. The flowers dried after a week so they survive for long.

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