
Keep Calm and Read about My Life in Toronto

  • Avocado Breakfast Sandwich, Lagu & Pesto Pasta

    Hello, this week I made 3 menus, a sandwich and two pastas. Avocado Breakfast Sandwich This is quick and easy one and it tastes so good. Great Breakfast or lunch menu. Ingredient Recipe Lagu (meat & tomato) Pasta When you crave pasta, don’t you usually crave this one? Needless to say, it is very good.…

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  • %Arabica, Laduree, Simple Burger, Cafe Lunar, Cocoalatte, Mixed Senses, Dolce Gelato

    This review post of places I went recently in Toronto. I hope I can inspire you. Hi, everyone! I am so busy nowadays studying at my college and I am visiting a lot of cafes to stay up. I wanted to suggest some places to get coffee and light lunch in Toronto. Let’s get started.…

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  • Getting Ready for College

    Admission process, OSAP application, language assessment test, timetable building, scholarship application, buying stationaries & textbooks, before school starts in January. I am going to college this winter everybody! I decided to do this while working at a pharmacy as an assistant to become office assistant. I stand to work so I wanted a sitting job.…

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