Make a Margarita Pizza (with Air Fryer)

Make your own pizza with Red mill pizza crust mix. Simple ingredients and quick recipe.

One of the best thing you can do over the weekend is to bake. There are lots of thing you can bake, but often times it is too sweet and sweets are not good for your health. How about deciding to cut sugar by doing a pizza? You can easily buy a crust from frozen section of grocery store or, like me, try to make the pizza dough from flour. Don’t bother to buy yeast separately, buy a pizza crust flour equipped with everything already. Then, you need to worry about topping only. I decided to do a margarita, classic but what works every time.


  • Red Mill (or any kind of) pizza crust mix (includes east)
  • 1 and 1/2 cup of warm water
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 table spoons of olive oil
  • basil
  • tomatoes
  • mozzarella
  • pizza sauce


how to make margarita pizza from scratch with air fryer
  1. In a bowl, pour the red mill pizza crust mix and yeast
  2. Add 1&1/2 cup of warm water
  3. Add 2 eggs
  4. Add 2 table spoons of olive oil
  5. Mix them well. Make it a dough and continue to mix with hands until flakes are gone.
  6. Wrap the bowl and place it in a warm place for about 25 minutes
  7. Meanwhile, preheat the air fryer at 370~380 degree Fahrenheit about 10 ~15 minutes
  8. On a cutting board, slice tomatoes, mozzarella, and basil
  9. Open a can of pizza sauce
  10. If 25 minute wait is over, get the dough on a flat surface and roll them with dough roller until they become nice thin crust. (Thinner the crust, quicker you can get your pizza baked) I made 4 doughs just to fit in my air 4L air fryer
  11. Spread the pizza sauce on each dough.
  12. Add tomato, basil, then mozzarella on top.
  13. Put one pizza at a time in air fryer 375~380 degrees F to 15~20 minutes
  14. Open the fryer and let it cool a little.
  15. It’s done! Plate it and Enjoy!

Something to watch out:

Don’t make too much dough, the small pack gave me 4~5 pizza and you want to eat it when its fresh, not refrigerated or frozen ones.(It tasted great even after a day or two for me but I am warning because they rise more than you think when they get baked)

Also, Do not make the crust thick. It will be undercooked or too burnt if you air-fry it too much.

Helpful Link


I made the most basic one, margarita, but you can apply different toppings to make it your favorite pizza. Trust me. It tastes way better than bought ones because it is freshly baked. You feel proud too! Try it yourself or with a kid, they will love it


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