I moved from Quebec City and went to Montreal on second day of May. Excited!

via Train

I took the train to motreal. Wow. It did rain a lot and I had some trouble going down Quebec hills with mu carrier bag but I managed it. The video is showing Motreal city arrived. it took me about 4 hours or so. I was so exhausted by then but looking at the view was a pleasure.

Hotel (Empire suite)

Okey. hotel was near the metro and room was huge but they made me pay security deposit. Well. If that’s tradition of Montreal, I cannot say more but I was a bit nervous I won’t get it back.

Cafe Olimpico (Mile End)

Okey I was way too tired and needed caffeine so I headed to Mile end to see houses which I failed to find. Deappointed, I went to cafe next to it. Their Café mocha was great and thats tiramisu dessert which was pretty good. It seems to be a famous chain in Montreal. i liked it

Bagle Shops

So this is famous bagle shop but, I did not find it that special. You have to put cream cheese and jam yourself, unlike a cafe. Very affordable. I got seseme because it is my favorite kind. There was a lot of bagle and crêpe shops. Try them for breakfast.


This is biosphere near the water. Its not biodome you can see animals and stuff. Very confusing in one city. But I meant to go here. Its near olympic park too. But, got no time so just took a picture near the station. Its next morning, very early early morning, by the way.

Montreal Art Museum

There is the outside view of Montreal museum. It’s huge. It looked artistic even from outside. Like I said it opens 10 a.m. near checkout time so… I skipped inside. But still satisfied with photos.

McGill University

So McGill university is next destination. Starbucks had French sign. I had a breakfast there. The university is very traditional looking and needed keys to enter. But library was open. i couldn’t look inside but the central building is huge. It started to rain so headed inside quickly.

Notre Dame Basilica Montreal

The church or cathedral is upheal from metro. It was raining too but still gave me good photos. It was under construction if you look. Suvenir shop was very cute and had good coffee. I recommend this place. Its near the enterence of basilica.


Thats 3days in Quebec finally over and back to home. Considering not speaking any French, I had a good trip. Everywhere spoke both French and English except metro. I spent a lot more than expected because it is not so cheap. But had a best trip ever in Canada. Can’t wait for next one.

Thank you. (Merci) 🙂

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