Nice weather this week, for an April in Canada. But, cherry blossoms are not ready yet.

It was a Sunday mornings and I woke up early around 7. I thought why not check the high park for cherry blossoms. It felt like a little early but I decided to go anyways.

Okey they were starting to bud but not yet fully bloomed. I was disappointed but found a couple of small blossoms in a tree. I decided to take pictures of other flowers and trees not to waste my visit.

There were some Narcissis flower in an area that are fully bloomed. They were no tulips but this flower seemed to bloom first. Beautiful, yellow flower.\

Another yellow flower I do not know the name. There were lots though. I dared to go inside the fence to take pics.

There were a couple of swans near the flag and water side at high park. So cute together. People were taking pics too.

There were no more flowers to see close by so I decided to go home. It was nice exercise on a weekend. If you want a fully bloomed park, no this is not the right time to go. Try next week.

Hannah’s Café

1822 Bloor St W

On the way home to Bloor St W., I got so thirsty and hungry and stopped by this nice café. It was a local café so don’t expect logoed cups. But, I liked that it has nice sunlight inside and open terrace connected to the cashier. I had a healthy meal of BLT sandwich on a sour dough and iced americano.


If you are looking for somewhere nice and rigit to walk more than 1-2 hours, I definitely suggest high park. It was biggest and nicest park I ever saw in Canada. It’s near, walking-distant to Keele station.

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