Korean Poetry Translation- to Improve Writing in English

One way to learn at the same time increase writing skill is to translate! Translate your favorite poetry.

Hi, you.

I am passing the middle of my semester in my college looking toward the end of it. I can’t belive it is already March. Soon, therre will be cherry blossom blossoming so I decided to do an activity that will fill my need for being romantic. Also, I have a bad handwriting in both languages so copying poetry helps with my caligraphy or writing more clearly at work.

How it relates to English Self-Study

If you are acquiring English vocabularies, this is one of the great ways you can check if you are doing well. Try to direct translate with your best of your ability of a poetry in your langauge to English. This way, you are using more sophisticated langauge at the same time learing and searching for right words, besides having fun.

What I Like about the Poetry

The poetry I chose is Lee Hyung Ki’s, who is poet in South Korea. This poetry, Falling flower, is one his best ones amonst many others he published. He was a editor of a newspaper and a poet in South Korea Jin Ju, near Busan. His ideas are challenging and lignering even after his death in the field.

I really liked this poetry because it is about flower, goodbye, and eyes. It is reminder of love, farewell, and some eyes of people that matter in my life and left a trace.


There is spelling errors with “lovr” and “autumn” etc. and a punctuation error here and there. I used an app on my phone to compile my translation peice with a photo related to the theme of the poetry to draw conenction and produce a piece of art(?) to diplay. It looks good and it is fun. Try it yourself with your favorite peice of art. You can use lyrics if you are not a fan of poetry. I suggest doing it with a short writing and move on to quotes, essays, and favorite books. You can check if you were right to use langauge you used with other people or by comparing the quality to the original piece.


I often write my essays this way. By writing in Korean, my first language, then translate it. Rather than starting with English, it produce better writing with clearer ideas. If you were struggling and looking for a short-term solution to pass an essay course, try this method.


I hope I can go to April’s cherry blossom at highpark Toronto after an exam or travel to Washington to see cherry blossom this year. Hope it made your English better.

Thank you for reading.

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