Avocado Breakfast Sandwich, Lagu & Pesto Pasta

Hello, this week I made 3 menus, a sandwich and two pastas.

Avocado Breakfast Sandwich

This is quick and easy one and it tastes so good. Great Breakfast or lunch menu.


  • avocado
  • cheese slices
  • egg
  • ham
  • bagel


Lagu (meat & tomato) Pasta

When you crave pasta, don’t you usually crave this one? Needless to say, it is very good. Try this simple recipe to replicate what’s in your mind.


  • ground beef
  • paprica
  • onion
  • pasta (spaghetti)
  • zuchini
  • tomato pasta sauce
  • parsley
  • salt and pepper
  • cheese of your choice


Pesto Pasta

Getting tired of making red pasta? Try to make a green one with pesto sauce. It tastes so savory and nice.


  • chicken
  • pesto pasta sauce
  • onion
  • zucchini
  • paprica
  • pasta (short ones)
  • parsley
  • salt and pepper
  • parmesan cheese
  • galic


I taped a video but the battery was off! So… I will explain in steps

  1. put the fired chicken in the airfryer
  2. Cook pasta
  3. Cut vegetables: onion, zucchini, paprika, garlic
  4. in another pen, add vegetables and cook
  5. Put pesto sauce to vegetable pen after turning the heat down
  6. add pasta to the vegetable pen
  7. salt and pepper and add parsley and parmesan cheese


Cooking is a great way to spend my spare time. It makes me more energized and motivated. Hope you enjoyed it too~~

Thank you.

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