Biological basis on falling in love in men and women and how it works in the brain.
I found this really intersting science tedxtalk, where she talks about how brain functions when we fall lin love. There are lots of neutrotransmitters and hormomes chemical in your brain that increases and decreases in the process of love, including dopamine, testestorone, vessopressin, and oxytocin. You’lll know why you felt that way with the one you fell in love with if you watch this.
Jane’s Sumamry
To summarize what she said, men and women falls in love differently because men and women biologically have different neurotrasmitters and hormons. When women falls in love, dopamine increase, then oxytocin increase when there are making out and oxytocin is spiked when she has sex with the men. Oxytocin makes her stay in love. On the other hand, when men falls in love, dopamine increase like her and oxytocin increase the same, but he has something called vasopressin, which increase with dopamine and blocks the effect of oxytocin by blocking its receptor and vasopressin drops after sex. In short, they fall in love together but they have different things going on inside. Men get disappointed if sex happens too soon and tend to feel love afterwards. Love is a long term feeling, it is different from lust or crush. You should be more intersted in your partner’s stae of mind and try to understand him/her in their point of view.
I think it will be more clearer if you read this blog about similar concept. It explains in detail of what she said.
I learend a lot about love. I realized how undrestanding how it works and making connection is importatant in men-women relaitonship. It’s a bit confusing concept and you may not get it unelss you know biological mechanisms, but it is a good starter for you to be intersted in science- how it starts from life question to undrstanding to biological mechansim.
Jane Lee
Thank You.