Made something similar to rice crispe square at home. Great lunch snack.
- half stick of butter
- a bag of marshmellow
- rice crispe cereal
- Put on the stove to low to medium heat and melt a bag of marshmellow in a pan
- Microwave the half stick of buttter for 40 seconds
- Combine marshmellow and melted butter and mix well
- In a bowl, pour half bag of rice crispe cereal.
- Add 3 into the cereal and mix well.
- Form a shape in a flat surface
- Cut it in pieces and wrap them. Done!
Watch video for detail and how I did it! Do not burn the mashmellow is the challenge not that the taste matters even if it burns so.
Trust me, I ate them all for my luch snack. It tasted great even after days. I think I would do this more often.
By the way, did you know marshmellow is symbol of temptation? I once saw a video on mashmellow test in my lecture and I want to end this with a link of marshellow test video. Just cuz.
Thank you.