Casa Roma and rose wine on rainy day

@1 Austin Terrace, Toronto, ON M5R 1X8

On August 22, I went to Casa Roma. I took TTC to DuPont station and 8 minute walk took me there. I reserved ticket online but you could get it on spot too.

That’s photo I took in front of fountain located Casa Roma’s entrance.

That’s me in front the entrance. Despite cloudy weather and the fact that it was Monday, it was quite busy.

The inside looks like this. There are Ireland and Great Britain Flags. It was very traditional interior with pipe organ and armored knight.

Outside balcony, there is dining area and city view. I thought that was cool.

There was a garden inside. That is a great photo spot with lights. Everybody took photos there.

I got a glass of wine, which was overpriced but it was very good.

That’s just me taking photos looking at city view.

There sure was a lot of fountains in the castle and people waiting in line for food and drinks. There also was symposium or music concert going on but, it was full so I could not take a sit.

Suddenly, rain came pouring down so it was kind of messy. They provided ponchos but that was not enough to avoid getting wet. Check your weather before you go because almost everything is outdoors.

I ran to inside because rain was too heavy and that was end of the trip.

Thank you.

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